There are many new things starting up this time of year and conversely several things ending at the same time, and I think honour should play a bigger part in it. The way we start and end seasons says a lot about us. Helter-skelter-like, methodically, unintentionally, joyfully, fearfully, thoughtfully, you can pick your word. We all approach endings and beginnings differently. When you intertwine all these unique approaches within the fabric we call relationships and life, it can lead to a more beautiful and messier process than we anticipate. Just the thought makes me smile, and cringe a little too. Let’s be real, people rarely respond the way we expect them to, and it can be difficult to deal with each other. While it might be easier to never deal with people during these seasons, it's not a very practical approach to life. So my encouragement, as we come to the ending and beginning of several new things this fall, would be this: honour the people around you. The ones who went before you and the ones who will follow you. Why? They are image bearers of God just as equally as you and I are, no matter what they’re going through. We honour Him as we honour each other, so let's step into it.