The Value of One

School is back and the youth centre is ready and beginning our regular programs! In praying and planning for these programs, God keeps reminding me of how valuable each one of these youth are. Often, we speak of the numbers and the youth as a whole since we are excited for what is going on, but right now I love the reminder that each youth is an individual with a personality that God perfectly designed for them. It is a treat to connect with each one and slowly (or quickly) discover the person that God has made them to be and will continue making them into. One of our youth has surprised the staff and volunteers with what began as a timid personality and grown into a confident and bold speaker in just a couple of years. I think I can speak on behalf of all the staff and volunteers of the youth centre in saying that we are truly blessed with the gift of being people who get to impact and see growth in each youth that we encounter. If this intrigues you, I would encourage you to get in contact with us and begin volunteering! We are always looking for adults who know the value of each individual youth!

Dee Clark - Youth Engagement Lacombe

Posted: September 30, 2019
Category: E-News - General

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